Episode 211

First Day of Unleavened Bread

Keeping the Feast in Sincerity and in Truth -

(1st Day Unleavened Bread) - Fred R. Coulter—April 6, 2023

Greetings, brethren! Welcome to the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread! As we say all the time, time marches on!

• it doesn’t wait for anyone

• it doesn’t go fast

• it doesn’t go slow

It’s always on time! That’s how it is with God, the Sabbath, and the Holy Days. All of these are built into the creation. It’s quite a thing that we understand.

We know from Rev. 13:8 that Christ was slain from the foundation of the world! We know that the Gospel was already determined before the ages of time! So, when God created the earth and everything that’s necessary for it, He automatically built in the things for His appointed Feasts!

Genesis 1:14—the beginning of the 4th day: “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide between the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for appointed seasons, and for days and years.” All of those have to do with calculating time for us!

He did this on day four because how many animals, insects, birds, fish and so forth need the sun and the moon so they know what they are to do.

Appointed times: That is what the weekly Sabbath is. The first appointed time that was observed by God and Adam and Eve on the seventh day. It goes all the way through the Bible. We also find that Christ’s crucifixion was on the appointed time, which we have seen and known as the 14th day of the first month according to the Calculated Hebrews Calendar...

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