Episode 144

God's Final Judgment

God's Final Judgment - Chapter 51 - BY: Fred Coulter

Greetings brethren, welcome to the Feast of Trumpets.

     And we’ve certainly seen a lot of things transpire this past year. And every year, we get closer and closer to the fulfillment of the events that are prophesied in the Bible, and of course, the Feast of Trumpet is one of the key important—as you might say—fulcrum points in history because this day pictures the establishing of the Kingdom of God on earth by Jesus Christ and the saints.

     Now let’s come to Leviticus 23. Let’s also understand all of the holy days are connected, the Sabbath puts us in contact with God, the holy days tell us what he’s doing—and let’s understand something about the holy days—though they seem unimportant to the world, they are absolutely important to God. Because what people don’t understand about the holy days is this: Every one of the holy days pictures an epical historical event that God fulfills. For example, the Sabbath, right after the creation of man, it was given as a day of rest, sanctified to be holy. It was an epical beginning of man and his relationship with God. And then we come down to the Passover, epical historical event with Abraham, with the children of Israel, an epical historical event with the killing of the firstborn, the destruction of Egypt, and then the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the exodus to leave. Pentecost, the giving of the 10 Commandments, an epical historical event.

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