Episode 253

Judge Righteous Judgment - Part 3 - Day 6

Judge Righteous Judgment - Part 3

(Day 6—FOT)

Fred R. Coulter—October 5, 2023

 Greetings, brethren. Welcome to Day 6 of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Judgment is so essential. The whole reason that God has called us, so we can:

· Learn His ways

· Learn His laws

· Learn His statutes

· Learn His judgments

· Learn the teachings of Jesus Christ

· Understand what we need to do

· Understand how we need to do it

We’re going to be given the greatest responsibility ever given to any group of people—that is, all of those in the first resurrection—to be delivered:

· Judgment for the world

· Judgment over the people

· teaching the Truth of God all during the thousand-year period

· Bringing multiple millions, probably, into the Kingdom of God

God’s Plan is more significant than anything that any man has ever thought of. Remember the night God promised Abraham, which was the night of the 14th at the Passover time before the Passover was instituted with the children of Israel.

God took Abraham outside the tent after He had told him that he would have a son. When they got outside the tent, God said, ‘Look now to the heavens, and if you can number the stars, count them.’

Well, from Abraham’s point of view, he could see so many. From God’s point of view, that’s the whole expanse of the universe! So, God gave the whole promise when He said, ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall never pass away.’ He’s talking about all of the universe. So this is quite a tremendous thing!

Now, many people say you shouldn’t judge because ‘Jesus came to save the world, not judge the world.’

We need to understand that that’s only partially true. So, let’s come to the well-worn verses by the Protestants, but they don’t understand them. They repeat them from rote. Some people are sincere in it, but they don’t understand because they always say that the Law is done away when Jesus said, ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away.’ But ‘the Law will never pass away. My words will never pass away.’ So, they misinterpret the Bible and only cherry-pick what they want, which makes them feel good.

So, they read John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son so that everyone who believes in Him [His name]…”

This ‘believe’ is a participle, and a participle means to believe and keep on believing! 

· What does believe mean?

· Does it merely mean to believe that He came?


· Does it mean to believe not only that but everything He said?

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