Episode 324
Lawlessness Leads to Satan’s Control
Lawlessness Leads to Satan’s Control
Be prepared! Be ready! Be strong! Trust in the
promises of God!
Fred R. Coulter—August 31, 2024
Now then, I covered last week concerning abortion and how the innocent blood of 62 million is hanging over this nation. We need to take a warning and be prepared. While it looks like Trump may be elected President, don’t count on it because the Democrats have 62 million women, plus the men, who want an abortion. Now, this is a significant problem in America and other countries around the world. God is not taking that lightly! Sooner or later, the guillotine of correction from God for abortion is going to be over. All of that wanton murder is going to come! We’re seeing some of it right now with the 12 to 15 million illegal immigrants.
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