Episode 276

Prophecies Fulfilled in Zechariah Part Three

Prophecies Fulfilled in Zechariah III

(Chapters 8 & 9)

Fred R. Coulter—December 16, 2023

Let’s look at some headlines here. Bring us up to date on some things that are going on, and then we’ll go through Zechariah prophecies number three.

I hope everyone is getting news beyond the MSN. Now, MSN is mainstream media because they are the lying lips of the whole Biden government. They’re not telling the truth about what’s happening with the economy. They tried to show the job numbers and how many jobs were created, but no jobs were created in the private sector. But in the government sector.

We’ll talk about some other things. The UN plans to enter a totalitarian form of global governance. That’s going to happen, and it’s going to be really controlled because they will have the power.

Recently, one of our elders wanted to find out, ‘Is it true that they can track me with my smartphone?’ He got it set up, so he found himself on his smartphone as a blue dot. He took the phone in his hand and walked from room to room, and the blue dot went with him.

So, think of that! They are developing a lot of things that will lead to a lot of control that they’re not telling you anything about because they want to get them in position first.

Direct government censorship of the Internet is here, and it will get worse. Elon Musk exposed a lot of it, but on the other hand, Elon Musk likes to have a chip in everyone.

Astronomers have discovered some spectacular things, primarily through the James Webb telescope website. Here are two of them. I don’t know how they figure this, but the Webb Space Telescope finds galaxies that challenge astronomical theories. They say they are 33 billion lightyears away. I don’t know how they figure that far out, but that tells you an awful lot about the vastness of the universe. Remember, that’s what God says we’re going to inherit!

As Michael brought out—the message is aspects of the Book of Revelation—being joint heirs. Scientists discovered a stunning river of stars, a river flowing through space. Why do you suppose that God has given this knowledge and understanding? He’s done it to show the world how great He is, that evolution is impossible, and that these things don’t happen from nothing...

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