Episode 237

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Seek First the Kingdom of God Michael Heiss—July 8, 2023

As Christians, we have been given, by the Savior, Jesus the Christ, the most important goal of all. That is to seek the Kingdom. The whole purpose of God is to establish His Kingdom, carrying out His directives for all eternity!

I’m going to address two Scriptures right now to show where God gave us that command. Then, if I can, I would like to turn it around a little and view it from an angle that we maybe don’t always look at.

Matthew 6 vs 33 “But as for you, seek first the Kingdom of God…”—all important!

Luke 14 is the section where we find counting the cost!

Luke 14 vs 26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers and sisters, and, in addition, his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”

Jesus didn’t mean to literally hate! It’s a love less by comparison! It means to put Him first! Or seek the Kingdom first!

So, we can play around with that and say, ‘If anyone wants to seek the Kingdom He must put aside father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and his own life or he will not see the Kingdom! He will not get it!

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