Episode 288

The Bulging Wall of Prophecy

The Bulging Wall of Prophecy

Listen to the Word of God! Repent and fast and come to

God HIS way, or face the encirclement of doom!

Fred R. Coulter—February 10, 2024

There are so many things going on, and we’ll cover that in just a bit.

Church News:

The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, A Faithful Version: I need to mention that our program of distributing the Bible is working very well. We still have lots and lots of Bibles, so continue it. There’s nothing better that we can give than this Bible to those who are in other Churches of God, and other people who are really interested in the Truth, because we’re living in

times where:

·        they need to know the Word of God

·        they need to be able to trust it

·        they need to be able to understand it

This is the best Bible for them to understand it, because it is the only English Bible that has all the books of the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament, in their original manuscript order. That brings together God’s Plan, and helps us understand what He is doing. So, we have lots of Bibles.

We’ve been sending them out by the box full, and I mention in this letter again about the Bible, and please continue with it until we come to a point that we can say, ‘Enough is enough.’ But we’re living in difficult times indeed, which we’ll cover in a little bit.

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God's Plan for Mankind—Second Edition

Revealed by His Sabbath and Holy Days: https://www.cbcg.org/special-offer-godsplan.html

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