Episode 282

The Importance of the Sabbath

The Importance of the Sabbath

God rested on the Seventh-Day from all His work!

Fred R. Coulter—January 13, 2024

First of all, we are going to make one of our big booklets into a regular book: Judge Righteous Judgment, and here’s the cover right here.

That’s what Jesus said in John 7 that we are to judge righteous judgment, which means that it has to be according to the laws and principles of God. Another thing about judgment, mercy comes after judgment.

What’s wrong with the legal system today with the judges? They’re not convicting criminals, they are giving forgiveness first!  Forgiveness cannot come until there is judgment. That’s why the Bible tells us all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Now then, that being the case, and all have sinned, the judgment for sin is: ‘the wages of sin is death.’ No one has escaped that, yet; except Christ Who was raised from the dead. That is the judgment!

When is mercy given? When you’re living in sin and you come to a conviction of sin and repent! Mercy never comes until then. That’s why it’s judge righteous judgment! Has to be the way that it is.

Now, I don’t know how true this is, but they’re saying if you’re buying a new car now, that your car can spy on you. I don’t know how that is, but you put the ignition in there and your car says, ‘Hello, are you ready to start?’ I don’t know what new cars have because I have two cars: One is 33-years-old and one is 31-years-old, and they both run.

I have a ‘long’ commute from home to here, which is less than a mile, so I don’t know about that, I’ll have to check it out.

· How bad can things get when Satan has free reign? We know this: sin is the transgression of the Law!

· What is transgression? That means going against!

Just like you come up to some property and it says what ‘No Trespassing!’

· If you come up to God’s Law and you transgress it, you’re trespassing.

· How bad will it get in the churches when they are taken over by Satan?

· Yet, they think they’re doing the will of God.

· How far will wokeness and gender affirmation go?

In other words:

· What kind of unmitigated gall does Satan have in trying to destroy the Word of God?

· In trying to destroy people’s knowledge of at least a basic thing of who and what you are?

That’s why this gender affirmation should be called gender destruction!

· How does that affect the Bible?

· What do they want to do with the Bible?

I’ll read you a couple of things here. Here’s one.

This was a real nice comparison sent to me by e-mail. Someone did a comparison with different Bibles and sent me what it is there in:

Gal. 3 will tell you how Satan will twist and distort everything in the Bible.

Galatians 3:27: “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ did put on Christ.”

That actually means to clothe yourself with Christ, everything about Christ!

Verse 28: ...

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