Episode 227

What Will We Do On the Sea of Glass?

What Will We Do On the Sea of Glass?

The four and a half months from the Pentecost resurrection to the Feast of Trumpets

Fred R. Coulter—June 3, 2023

Today, as I promised last week, we’re going to answer the question: After we’re resurrected, and we’re on the Sea of Glass:

· What do we do?

· How long are we there?

· What is it that we are going to learn?

Let me cover one verse that sums up everything that we are to be doing. As James said in his message—Endure to the End—this has to do with endurance.

Luke 12:31: But seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. … [everything that God has promised] …Do not be afraid…” (vs. 31-32).

We’re coming to a time when there are many things to be afraid of and discouraged about. But don’t let them take hold of you, as James said.

Verse 32: “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father delights… [looking to the pleasure] …in giving you the Kingdom.

What does that mean? Those are lovely and inspiring words! We also know in Rev. 20 that we will be kings and priests. How is that going to work?

As we go along, I want you to think about why God is insisting upon the character that He is developing in us and that we have this now forming in our lives: that is the mind and character of Christ! Why is that important?

You look at everything in the world, all the leaders, all the business and everything that is done, and what are we overwhelmed with today? Lies! 

· everything is false

· everything is fake

· everything is pretend

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