Episode 206

Why We Keep A 14th Passover

Why We Keep a 14th Passover -

By Fred Coulter - March 11, 2023

Now we are coming close to the Passover time, so today we're going to answer the question, why does the church keep the Passover on the 14th, but the Jews keep it on the 15th, and what are they missing? Okay, now we know Leviticus 23.

It says that Passover is between the two evenings on the 14th day of the first month. Now between the two evenings, as we covered from Exodus 16, is from sunset unto dark, and that's when they were to kill and roast, and they were not to boil any of the flesh in water.

So the 14th is a separate day as it begins between the two evenings. So now we are going to see the description of this come over here to Exodus 12 and verse 26, so we can see there's something we need to compare to it to find out what's going on. So for the Passover service itself, Here's the way that God told them to say to their children.

Verse 24, and you shall observe this thing as a law to you and your children forever, and it shall be when you have come into the land, which the Lord will give you as he has promised. You shall keep this service, and it shall be. When your children say to you, what does this service mean to you? Then you shall say, it is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover.

Now notice it doesn't say offering; it's a sacrifice.

Who passed over their houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when he struck the Egyptians and delivered our [00:03:00] houses, and the people bowed their heads and worshiped. Then it says Israel went and did what they should do. Then we also learned this. Here's what God told them that they needed to do that night...

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